Mark Taylor, President and CEO of ReNew Biomedical, said health care providers “need to pay very close attention to their biomedical technicians’ certifications to ensure specialized training qualifications have been met and that the service work provided is top notch quality”. The challenge, however, remains finding qualified technicians to install, inspect, maintain repair, calibrate, modify and design biomedical equipment and support systems to adhere to medical standard guidelines within a limited budget.
If you are in need of equipment maintenance, is it worth hiring a full time biomedical technician?
Unless you are operating a large medical facility, the answer is probably not. A Biomedical Equipment Technician, also know as “BMET”, is typically defined as an electro-mechanical technician or technologist who ensures that medical equipment is well maintained, properly configured, and safely functional. In large healthcare environments, BMETs often work to keep all equipment functioning at optimal levels. They also are responsible for seeking out units that need updated accessories, battery replacement or are ready for their yearly scheduled maintenance.
Lets face it, hiring a full-time Biomedical Technician may not be suitable for most types of health care providers. For clinical institutions or emergency medical companies that are running on a tight budget, there are few options better than using an independent biomedical company to service equipment, especially if that equipment only needs attention once a year or there is an occasional operating problem. Administrators are finding it more cost effective to seek out alternative options that can get equipment recertified without having to endure the long-term cost of another full time employee. In this case, outside biomeds are a more valuable option.
What if your biomed is not qualified?
Many Private Sector Companies have found that on occasion, their in-house biomed is unable to accommodate their needs. This is yet another reason to use an outside biomed technician. Their constant contact with vast amounts of medical devices, ensures that they remain fresh on their repair and recall knowledge. Qualified biomedical companies work closely with manufactures to stay in-the-know about new parts, accessories, and product replacements. Beyond product knowledge, these specialists can quickly educate and advise staff and other agencies on theory of operation, physiological principles, and safe clinical application of biomedical equipment, which in return will improve the facility’s patient care and medical technology management.
Employing your own Biomeds does not come without extra costs that extend beyond fulltime benefits and extended retirement packages. In an industry plagued by malpractice lawsuits, Biomed work must be insured by a credible insurance agency to safeguard against failing equipment response. Unfortunately, these policies can be costly and will increase based on the number of claims per year.
Before you reach deep into your pockets to take on another long-term cost, consider using an outside Biomedical company to service and repair your equipment. You may find that the right service company will pay off time and time again with the extra value that it can provide to your staff, your patients, and your budget.